Saturday, January 30, 2010

In Which I Pimp

Today, I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine. Well, I'm more like her supermassive fangirl tbh, but whatever. *Beautiful Liar*, over on Twilighted is the possibly the most talented banner maker I have ever seen. Once I had wiped the drool from my face and remembered how to type, "I can has pretty?", I started pimping her out to the contest girls and demanding that we have her as our official banner maker afficianado. But I mean, why wouldn't you? Check out some of her pieces:
She's making me a banner for my story soon. You'll know when I get it, you'll be able to hear the squeeing through your computer screen.

In other news, I'm going to see 'Nine' tonight. Movie review? Maybe. I'm organizing my wardrobe thanks to my new iPhone app, ClosetByMiva. I did some testing for her and she gave me a free download of the full version. Schaweeeeeet! I read the gift exchange fic for Belli486 called "Meant to be Broken". It was really good. When the author is revealed, I'm definitely going to read more of her work. Her Edward is simply gorgeous! I'm also planning on reading the gift exchange fic for Oxymoronic8 called "For Sale by Owner". It also looks super dooper and I think this is the 40,000 word fic that the organizers are always going on about - it's 12 chapters long plus a prologue and epi!

And lastly, some news that I am extremely happy about - HEAR, author of "Weighing In", a fic submitted to the Indies round just gone, is extending her story! It's a take on The Biggest Loser (one of my favourite shows, hehehe, returning Sunday!) and I just adored the one shot and begged her to extend once the contest was over. And today she has! Chapter One, set before the oneshot from Edward's POV, was simply magnificient. She's obviously put in quite a lot of thought and effort into her story, the characters are well thought out and developed and you know that it won't be a easy romance for trainer Edward and obese Bella. It's called "Weighing In: Losing to Gain" and it's simply devine! Check it out!

Hope you're having a happy weekend! xo

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tipping the Lameness Scale

I found a link to the song I was rabbiting on about, so I will pass it along, even though I'm tipping my Lameness Scale by posting more than once a day.

Here you guys go: 'Crazy Ride' by Michelle Branch.

I love it. *sigh*

It's all about the Pretteh

So, do you know what I realized driving home this morning? That today is a new day and that means that I can post a new entry. (I do know that I can post multiple entries during one day, but I just don't want to seem to eager, ya know? Keeping it mellow.) Back to Realization Numero Uno, cue the squee. Well, it was an internal squee because the urchins in the car are just looking for a reason to commit me. And so I imagined my new post, what it was going to look like, how pretty it was going to be, what I was going to write, how pretty it was going to be, who was going to read it, how pretty it was going to be. Because really, I'm all about the pretty. I guess I'm a magpie.

So imagine my pretty senses when I came home to find more pretty, of the R-Pattz variety no less! Cue happy sigh.

I want pretty things. I dream about pretty things. I try to make pretty things. I scour the internet for pretty things. I squee happily when I see pretty things. I see pretty things on the street and run up to them, grab their legs and sigh 'Pretteh' at their faces*.

So, the Pretteh makes me happy. Send me the Pretteh and I will make you happy.

And in other things that make me happy:
  • PRETTEH bullet lists
  • Staying up until 1am reading A Rough Start by ItzMegan73 (okay, wasn't so happy about that when I woke up, but whatever)
  • @manyafandom tweeting after she totally went off the tweetmap. I just started reading The Arrangement and I missed her, she was nice.
  • Linking things so they are PRETTEH.
  • Going back to link things and finding another chapter of A Rough Start, right after a big cliffie. Okay back, she left us with another cliffie. If I didn't love the story so much, I would hate her right now.
  • My bright red nails. They are PRETTEH.
  • Reviews. Coincidently, I am not very happy when does not send me my reviews >:|
  • The song, 'Crazy Ride' by Michelle Branch. Disliking that it is not released yet.
  • The show, 'Life UnExpected', where I heard above song. Shiri Appleby is kind of like my Bella, I like her. 
I guess it's time for buh-byes. Goodnight big moon, Sweet dreams baby. It's from 'Crazy Ride'. I'll let you know when it's released.

*Okay, that never happened.**
** Okay, maybe it was this one time...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sooo, you blog here often?

The first line is always the hardest. But when you put a lame line like that first, the second line is a little harder too. I'm Courtney and I'll try to keep the lameness to a minimum.

I anticipate (and anticipate is a totally non-commital word, so you can't hold me to anything) that there will be pictures, teasers, reviews, shameless plugs, advertising, fan girl squeals, panty-dropping semi-nakedness and hopefully some lively discussion.

I hope you enjoy reading :)