Monday, February 1, 2010

Yes, Mr President - Chapter 4

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Thanks be to Karie (SweetVenom69), who is not only my super awesome grammar and spelling ninja, but my incredibly smart and knowledgeable math beta! I’d be a pulsating mess without you, bb! ;) Also big thanks to Burntcore for her government/election advice :)


Jasper smiled wanly and rolled his eyes before pulling out his Blackberry. “Will a pizza fix this little mood you’re in?”

Edward’s face lit up with a little kid’s grin and Jasper pressed ‘call’.  

“We’re ready for you, sir,” a female called from the main door of Edward’s waiting room.

He jumped from the couch and stood in front of the small mirror above the vanity unit. He refrained himself from cheering with glee; he was finally free of the dreaded room. After lunch he had managed to work through the stack of files Jasper had left and a whole medium sized pizza which had satiated his hunger nicely. He smoothed down his fresh, Alice-approved suit and tie with a smile and happily walked out of the fondly nicknamed ‘holding cell’.

As Edward jauntily strolled out of the building he spotted Jasper, who looked significantly tired and at his wit's end, throwing his hands up in the air and talking in hushed whispers with a brown haired woman. She was glaring angrily at him and Edward watched as she threw her hands up exasperatedly and stormed off in the direction of a waiting car.

Edward jogged down the remaining steps and placed a hand on Jasper, who wheeled around in surprise.

“Hey Jazz, who was that?”

“Ugh, no one you want to know, trust me,” he replied darkly.

“It didn’t look like things were going well between you two,” Edward said lightly, subtly trying to weasel any scrap of information from his campaign manager.

“You got that right. She’ll be your press secretary if all goes well tonight,” he huffed, “All the more to you if you can manage to wrangle her, Edward.” His tone was ominous and filled Edward with a strong feeling of foreboding.

Oh God, Edward thought, being locked up in that room has turned me loopy. What could be ominous and foreboding about a press secretary? He chuckled to himself for being so silly. He was, almost certainly, about to be named President of the United States. He could handle a little stress and a fiery Press Secretary. He smiled and walked, surrounded by his Secret Service escort, to the waiting car which would take him to his future. 

“Mr. Cullen! Mr. Cullen!” The press were worse here, creating a 100 people-strong crowd around the black Chrysler which had driven Edward and Jasper to the White House. Edward stepped out of the Town Car and into a small pocket of secured space, created by the Secret Service agents assigned to protect him. The pulsating masses had Edward's heart racing as he and Jasper were led through the tightly pressed bodies; their anticipation and excitement was contagious. They were ushered through the flock of supporters and into a back entrance which, in turn, led to another small room, similar to the one that had ensnared Edward for the best part of the day.

It was unfortunate that the parties had had to move their operations to the White House but a serious security threat on the Republicans during the campaign had resulted in increased Secret Service representation and a tightening of protection around the potential Presidents. They were allowed fewer members and supporters in the House during the announcements and there was a blanket ban on media crews and reporters.

“Oh Jasper,” Edward groaned, “Please don’t tell me I have to stay in here.”

“Calm down, it’s just for hair and makeup.” Edward paled. “Don’t give me that face, Edward, you’re going to be on T.V, you know how it works.”

“But Jasper...” Edward started to whine, tousling his hair. “They’ll try and do something with my hair. You remember what happened last time!”

Jasper just rolled his eyes and ushered in a pair of beauticians who each assessed Edward’s face with a critical eye before barking instructions to each other in Russian.

“I’ll be back in half an hour, Edward. Don’t cause a scene,” Jasper warned before leaving the room.
Edward looked hesitantly at the two women who were standing in front of him, brushes and face creams raised threateningly.


“Oh my word, don’t you look pretty!”

“Jake!” Edward cried, spinning around happily to face his running mate, Jacob Black, before registering his words and assuming a scowl. “Why aren’t you all dolled up like this?”

“I have natural beauty apparently,” he said, patting his cheeks jokingly.

Edward rolled his eyes. “How’s it looking so far?” he asked, his tone now serious.

"The polls still say we'll take Indiana, but we can't count on that until we get the official votes. Florida, Kentucky, I don’t know. We can’t expect any results from Vermont until after 9pm. They’ll get their shit together, always do,” Jake replied. Edward waited for him to go on.

Jacob gave him a knowing glance, before zipping his lips. Edward sighed and looked at his watch. “Have you come to take me to Jasper?”

“Yep, I’ve got strict orders to make sure that you walk through those doors at 5:55pm sharp, so we better get going.”

“Well, let’s go!” said Edward eagerly, with a quick, cautious look back at the Russians who were glaring back at their unfinished work on his face.

Since the press weren’t allowed within the House, the journey to the room candidates were allocated for election night was quiet. Edward was in a hurry to get in the midst of things; that was where he thrived. Bursting through the doors, Edward was greeted by thunderous applause from all the volunteers who momentarily stopped their work to thank and encourage their leader. Edward was humbled by their intense display of devotion.

“Thank you for your support and hard work. This, I, am nothing without you,” Edward called out to them quickly with a nod of his head before hurrying over to join Jasper. Jasper was standing in front of a large plasma screen television, intently watching the election night broadcast, hosted by Richard Jones.

“What’s happening?” Edward asked quietly.

“He’s about to cross to Indiana,” Jasper replied shortly.

A short volunteer with a large clipboard and set of headphones heard Jasper’s words and started calling out frantically for quiet.

We are now joined by our live reporter in Indiana. Elizabeth, we believe they are about cast their vote?”

“Good evening, Richard. Yes, it does look like Indiana will cast their vote, but we do know that traditionally the initial count will be too close to call. I believe the Senator has...yes,” the reporter nodded in agreement with the person on the other end of her headset, “Indiana has called that their vote is too close to call at this stage,” she said into the camera.

A collective, exasperated sigh erupted from the silent room as people turned to each other to exchange worried looks about the closeness of the election so early in the night.

“You’ve got nothing to worry about, Edward,” Jasper said comfortingly as he placed his hand on Edward’s shoulder.

“I know,” said Edward simply, before turning back to the broadcast.

Well, an expected call from Indiana, we now cross to Kentucky,” Richard said.

Yes, Richard, Kentucky has also called the vote too close to split at this stage,” the man reported from outside a Town Hall building in Kentucky. This time people had not even bothered to stop working to hear that there was no good news.

Thank you, Chris. While we were visiting that broadcast, we also received word that Florida has also not closed their vote, so we will be revisiting them later in the broadcast as well,” Richard said.

Jasper clenched his fist and turned away from the screen.

Wait! It seems that we have a result!” Richard cried excitedly. Jasper’s sharp intake of breath echoed around the room as it had become deadly silent while everyone focused on the incoming live feed.

We have a result from Vermont! Lucy, can you tell us what has happened in Vermont?” Richard called into the camera.

Yes Richard, Vermont has called for James Hunter! Vermont has voted for the Republican, James Hunter!” A collective groan erupted from the room. Edward ran his hand through his hair nervously.

The lady with the large headset and clipboard pulled out a megaphone that had appeared from nowhere, calling out to the disheartened volunteers,

“Come on people! Let’s keep it together, we still have time! Pick up those phones and get people voting for Cullen! Cullen! Cullen!” she cried enthusiastically, trying to start a chant. Unfortunately for Edward’s embarrassment, people decided to catch on and soon the room was cheering happily and shouting, “Cullen! Cullen!” Thankfully, Jasper waved his hands for them to quiet down as Richard was coming back on the air.

Welcome back, viewers. If you’re just joining us this evening, Vermont has registered their vote for James Hunter and so far no votes for Edward Cullen and the Democrats. We will now be rejoined by our live reporter in Kentucky. How is it going down there?

Well, Richard, in a surprising vote, Kentucky has called for Cullen with...,” the rest of the reporter’s spiel was interrupted by the jubilant roar of the volunteers and Jasper, who punched the air excitedly and letting out an exultant gruff shout. Edward smiled happily, looking around and basking in the joy. He was suddenly overcome by an immense feeling of pride; with his party and within himself. Before he started getting all emotional, Edward turned back to the television screen. A different reporter was talking to the screen, but he couldn’t make out what he was saying.

Grabbing the megaphone off the lady with the head set, who was currently sobbing all over an awkward looking Jasper, Edward turned on the siren switch.

After the volunteers had sufficiently quietened down, Edward switched on the speaker, “Thank you everyone for your support but I think another result is about to be called,” he said before flicking it off and handing it back to the lady. She snatched it back possessively, her tears of joy for Edward’s victory forgotten the moment he had taken her prized megaphone. Chuckling to himself, Edward turned back to the television.

Yes Richard, Cullen is currently leading the votes 8 to 3. West Virginia will announce, oh yes, it appears that...Yes! Cullen has also claimed West Virginia!” the reporter cried, the result coming through midway through her address.

Thank you, Anne,” said Richard as the vision returned to him in the studio, “Currently, Cullen leads James, 13 to 3. We now cross to South Carolina with Sandy.”

Hello, Richard. This evening South Carolina has called for Cullen as their man. He now leads the votes 21 to 3.” The night wore on and the votes began to come in hard and fast.

Good evening, Richard. Tonight, Connecticut calls for Cullen!

Our smallest state, Delaware has called for Cullen!

Richard! D.C. wants Cullen!

Illinois votes for Cullen!

Maine has called for Cullen, Richard. He now leads the votes 59 to 3; it doesn’t look as if James is going anywhere tonight.

Maryland for Cullen!

Massachusetts for Cullen!

And for only the second time tonight, New Hampshire goes to Hunter!

Again, James gets New Jersey!” 

Oklahoma wants Cullen!” 

Cullen gets Tennessee!” 

Richard, Cullen has won Pennsylvania!” 

Not a surprise for Arkansas! The state has gone to Hunter!” 

Alabama has gone for Hunter!

Richard, Kansas has called for James Hunter!” 

The strong surge for Hunter continues, Richard, with Michigan finally calling for the Republican!” 

Minnesota falls to Hunter!” 

New York, in a harsh blow for Cullen, calls for Hunter!” 

Rhode Island becomes a small victory for Cullen!

Texas wants Hunter!” 

Finally some good news for Cullen in Wisconsin!

Wyoming wants Cullen!

Georgia for James Hunter!” 

A big win for Cullen in Ohio!” 

Another win for the Democrats in Louisiana!” 

Hunter takes New Mexico! The votes now stand at 166 to Cullen and with the help of a late surge, 155 to James. This is shaping up to be the tightest race in history, Richard!

Mississippi has gone to Hunter; he's closing the gap.” 

Iowa extends Cullen's lead!” 

North Dakota calls for Hunter!” 

Utah votes for Cullen!

South Dakota also goes to Hunter!

And now, the vote that is sure to put either party in reach of the win, California! California has gone to 

Hawaii goes to Cullen, as well!

It looks as if Cullen will go for the win as Idaho calls for Cullen!” 

Oregon wants Cullen!

Cullen’s home state, Washington votes for their favorite son!” 
Nebraska calls for Cullen!

In an upset, Florida has voted for Hunter!” 

 “Arizona has fallen to Hunter!

In a late bid for the victory, Colorado has voted for Hunter!” 

And Nevada calls for Hunter!

Alaska, in a very late vote, has called for Hunter!” 

Indiana calls for Hunter!” 

Montana wants Hunter!

North Carolina calls for Hunter.” 

And the penultimate vote is in from Missouri. They have voted for Hunter!” 

Well, America,” Richard began, “It has been a close race all night and in a never before seen event, the scores are tied. There is five deciding votes from the fine folks in Virginia. We will now join Rita in Virginia where the deciding vote is about to be cast. Rita, how are things shaping up down there?

Good evening, Richard, I can tell you for certain that the eyes of the United States are firmly fixed upon Virginia tonight, as our government officials count and recount the votes to ensure that the final vote reflects the true intentions of our great state,” said the reporter. “We can expect the vote any minute...wait! Yes, it appears we have an official result! We will now cross live to the Town Hall where the election official will officially announce the winner of the greatest race America has ever seen!

My fellow Americans,” the election official from Richmond, Virginia began, “I believe it falls to me to announce the fate of two fine, honourable gentlemen, both who have had the opportunity to present themselves as the worthiest applicant for the most important job in the United States of America. The single vote that will decide whose name will go down in history books, whose name will be remembered forever more, whose name will be on the lips of all Americans tonight, is here, in this envelope.”

Edward groaned; the election official liked to talk. He would be lapping up every moment of his fifteen minutes of fame, meanwhile, Edward teetered on the brink of sanity cliff; the one that stood before the abyss of madness. Edward ran his hand through his already tousled hair.

So, to the owner of the name that I hold here in my hand, let me be the first to congratulate you, sir. It is the great honour of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the 10th state in the Union, to announce that it votes for,” the elected official boasted happily, ripping open the envelope, “Edward Cullen!”

The world was silent for Edward Cullen as the men and women of his party burst into noiseless triumphant cheers around him. Edward’s eyes left the television screen that played jubilant pictures of fellow Democrats celebrating their victory and turned to face Jasper who was excitedly high-fiving and hugging every volunteer who had abandoned their posts and had created an eager circle around both of the men.

When Jasper finally turned to congratulate Edward, it hit him. He had done it. He had beaten James, albeit by two votes, but he had done it. It was up to him now. Everything was up to him. Finally, his emotions caught up with him. Jasper threw his arms wide and Edward grabbed him around the waist. Edward could feel Jasper’s joyful tears splash against his cheek and Edward couldn’t help but laugh at his best friend. He grabbed Jasper’s shoulders and pulled them so Jasper could face him.

“We did it!” Edward cried elatedly.

“We did it!” Jasper managed to reply through his overwhelming emotions.

Edward turned to the volunteers, “We did it!” he hollered. They responded with ecstatic cries of repetition and Edward began to embrace everyone and anyone within an arm’s reach.


Not far away from where Edward Cullen was rejoicing, Bella Swan switched off her television set and leaned back in her chair. She pushed the heels of her hands against her face and groaned.

“Just fucking great.”

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